Therefore, we are proud to announce RIUSAB's RIUSAB Official Presidential Endorsement for 2008 (better known as RIUSABOPEf08):
Former Arkansas Governor and newly-svelte young(ish) lad Mike Huckabee. The more skeptical among you will claim we just have an e-erection for Chuck Norris like some pathetic Conan fangur1snb0is. You'd be wrong. Dead wrong. The man's a rock-aaand-roll musician.
Now, if Gov. Huckabee were just some run-of-the-mill acoustic guitar swinging jayhsus freak, we'd be less interested. But bear witness: BASS. AND CREEDENCE.
All of which begs the question: could Huckabee be the Second Coming?
The only way to find out - elect him and wait for the wheat to be separated from the Democratic left-wing-conspiracy liberal atheist secularist abortionist chaff. If Huckabee God is the Wise, Merciful, All-Knowing God we at RIUSAB believe Him to be, Kevin Barnes will perish immediately.