Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Happy new year, snitches/whatevs. First of all, we at RIUSAB have some vicious, patently false, kind-of-true-once-but-not-anymore rumors to clear up. Reports that the coveted RIUSAB Official Presidential Endorsement for 2008 (better known as RIUSABOPEf08) had been bestowed upon Mitt Romney were greatly exaggerated. RIUSAB still fucks wit Moroni, but check yourself: we believe in putting the national interest above our Wikipedia research personal beliefs.

Therefore, we are proud to announce RIUSAB's RIUSAB Official Presidential Endorsement for 2008 (better known as RIUSABOPEf08):

Former Arkansas Governor and newly-svelte young(ish) lad Mike Huckabee. The more skeptical among you will claim we just have an e-erection for Chuck Norris like some pathetic Conan fangur1snb0is. You'd be wrong. Dead wrong. The man's a rock-aaand-roll musician.

Now, if Gov. Huckabee were just some run-of-the-mill acoustic guitar swinging jayhsus freak, we'd be less interested. But bear witness: BASS. AND CREEDENCE.

All of which begs the question: could Huckabee be the Second Coming?

The only way to find out - elect him and wait for the wheat to be separated from the Democratic left-wing-conspiracy liberal atheist secularist abortionist chaff. If Huckabee God is the Wise, Merciful, All-Knowing God we at RIUSAB believe Him to be, Kevin Barnes will perish immediately.