Thursday, October 11, 2007


Yet again, some useless "blogger" decides to take a shot, like a bone-wielding ape, at the gleaming-monolith-from-outer-space that is RIUSAB. Don't believe it? We wouldn't either if we hadn't seen this entry ourselves. Among other juicy bits, RIUSAB is now apparently part of the realm of "indie criticism" - thanks, but no thanks. Luckily, this Following the Century blog covers/supports some really good music - like, you know, post-rock and Pavement. Frankly, we couldn't be more surprised - we were expecting maybe some positive mentions for Gin Blossoms or Luda.

Anyway, as we've mentioned before, albums like Proof of Youth are Saving Music. And every time we hear Of Montreal, the whole staff just HAS to go out to T.G.I. Friday's (or is it Ruby Tuesday). To spend a bunch of time complaining about the current state of indie pop is a bit like complaining about Britney's parenting skills - Perez beat us to both.

We at RIUSAB would like to commend Following the Century on that excellent opening manifesto, however - as we've also addressed before, nothing is needed more now than self-important, ultra-serious blogs about music. Hence RIUSAB.

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